Saturday, September 24, 2011


CONGRATULATIONS SOUTH DUNDAS!!  What an excellent day!

If you build they will come. And they did! South Dundas volunteers came out in droves to participate in the Playground Build. The first volunteer arrived at 7:00 am. By noon, the volunteer count had reached 247 and it didn't stop there.

It was amazing to see everyone come together. To see neighbour shoulder to shoulder with neighbour hauling wood chips, weeding gardens, assembling playground structures, pulling up interlock...It was simply inspiring to see a group of citizens work so hard to realize one common goal. 

THANK YOU to all who donated their TIME, TALLENT and TREASURE! Today was a testament to the community spirit and drive present in South Dundas!

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not.  ~Dr. Seuss