Monday, December 1, 2014

Harland Veinotte Makes a Big Splash

Thanks Harland Veinotte Transport for once again supporting community projects!
Pictured here Lance Lepage and Sam Harwood of Veinotte's along with committee member Michael Domanko.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hear the Lions roar

Hip Hip Horray! The Morrisburg Lions District Club president Bruce McIntosh presents a $5000 cheque for the slashpad! Wow! Thanks for the fundraising boost!

Deliciously successful

Eleanor Allison and her friends had a dinner party, and turned into an effort for the Splashpad! Thanks to their evening of camaraderie the splashpad effort received $250.00!

Thanks Eleanor & Friends!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Trucks, busses and splashpads

Thank you Andy Lewis of Mile One Mobile in Williamsburg! Brian received a $500 donation for the Splashpad! Thanks for the fundraising tune-up!

Pictured L to R:  Andy Lewis, Brian Shaver

Thank you to the Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders

The SD&G Highlanders, to whom the Community-built playground at Earl Baker Park has been dedicated to came forward with an unsolicited donation of $1,000!

This is a picture of the cheque presentation with the Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders, represented by member Bill Shearing, Debbie Clarke, Treasurer of the SD&G Highlanders Regimental Foundation and Bill Masson, President of SD&G Highlanders Regimental Foundation. Accepting the donation on behalf of the splashpad committee is Matt McCooeye, and his children Keltey and Cooper.


The Morrisburg & District Lions Club CIC are partnering with Play It Forward / South Dundas Community Playground Committee for the 2014 FUN RUN!

Last year's Fun Run raised $3,300 for the new splashpad! 

Come on out this year! Get active & raise money for another great community project. 

When:   Sunday September 7, 2014
Where:  Earl Baker Park, Morrisburg
Time:    All events start at 9:30 am

Some exciting components to this year's race include:

  • Free technical race shirt guaranteed to those who register by midnight Monday August 25th.
  • Digital race clock to track finish times.
  • 2km, 5 km & now a new 10km course, all starting from the playground at Earl Baker Park.

Register on-line hosted by the Running Room. 

For more information or to download the paper registration form CLICK HERE!

On-site registration will be accepted. 
(Sorry we can't guarantee a free t-shirt)

Thanks to this year's generous sponsors!

KBD Transportation
Horner & Pietersma
Notman Chrysler Dodge Jeep
South Dundas Recreation
Michael Barclay Collins Barrow
Axis / Sybron Endo (Beavers Dental)
Biba / Casselman Shoe Store
Johnny Morrow Royal LePage
Robert Jordan Construction
Michael Domanko - Chiropractor / Pedorthist
Marsden McLaughlin Funeral Home
Cruickshank Construction
Riley's Valu-Mart
Home Hardware Morrisburg

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family!
We nearly doubled our participation last year and we'd love to grow again!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Building Community Spirit

Rick & Margaret Johnson of the Morrisburg Building Centre, along with their daughter Karina show their community spirit by presenting Brian Shaver with a $500 donation to the Splashpad!

Thank Morrisburg Building Centre for the the generous push towards our fundraising goal!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Old Home Week Wows Splashpad Committee

This is one stop we were happy to make! 

Along the parade route, not only did we collect $1,255.00 in splash cash from the community, our float became the backdrop for a fantastic picture featuring the very generous donation from the Old Home Week committee

A HUGE shout out to the Old Home Week Committee for the $7,670.00 donation to the splashpad! THANK YOU!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodbye Tubie weekend, hello community spirit

 Wow! What a weekend!

We are never disappointed with Tubie Weekend...but this weekend was UNBELIEVABLE!

Not only did we have a blast walking in the Tubie parade, we successfully collected $1255 around the parade route!!!!! South Dundas, you came prepared to pledge our efforts and it paid off!

The kids want to say THANK YOU for your support!
We are on our way to our $200,000 fundraising goal! 

Our Tubie parade Splashpad kids!


Friday, August 1, 2014

SOUTH DUNDAS, you are definitely making a SPLASH!

Over the last 2 weeks we have received many PRIVATE, CORPORATE & INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS. All this to say that $120,000 has been raised thus far, surpassing our 2011 fundraising goal. 

We want to THANK YOU South Dundas for your on-going and every growing support of the SPLASHPAD project!

We can do it together!

Seaway Valley Pharmachoice adds a splash

Thank you Seaway Valley Pharmachoice, Morrisburg!

Mike Domanko met Scott Lane, of the Seaway Valley Pharmachoice in Morrisburg, to graciously accept this $1000 donation for the Splashpad!
We love the little man peaking over the cheque! He obviously approves of this community spirit!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thank you South Dundas Soccer

The organizers of the South Dundas Soccer Tournament held Friday July 25 and Saturday July 26 in Iroquois graciously donated the proceeds from the 50/50 draw to the SPLASHPAD! $1,048.00 was collected over the 2 days! We are excited to share $524.00 of this with the winner. Thank you to all of the soccer enthusiasts that purchased tickets!

The winning ticket # is 246129.
If you hold this ticket please call (613) 543-0933 to claim your prize. 

(Please note: Ticket must be presented to collect prize winnings.)


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Are you excited for Tubie Weekend? 

We sure are! 

And we are excited to share this OPPORTUNITY with you!

We will have a SPLASHPAD FLOAT in the Tubie parade with lots of little SPLASHPADERS walking with us...AND...we will be collecting donation along the parade route! We accept all donations large & small...even cheques too!

Originally posted on the Morrisburg Leader Facebook page

So come on out to watch the 44th Annual Tubie parade on Saturday August 2nd at 1:00 pm
 & look for us!


**please make cheques payable to South Dundas Township - Playground**

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Community Spirit leads to Splashpad fun

Brian Shaver graciously accepted another donation for the Splashpad! Community spirit swirls around this project because of people like this! Thank you to everyone at the law office of Gorrell, Grenkie and Remillard! Your donation is greatly appreciated!

L to R: Mr. Peter Remillard, Brian Shaver, Doug Grenkie

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It takes a community to build it

Donations such as this one from the Morrisburg Building Centre get us closer and closer to our fundraising goal! Brian Shaver is pictured below with Margaret Johnston and Rick Johnston accepting the $500.00 donation to the Splashpad build! Thank you Morrisburg Building Centre!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

These numbers add up

We have another corporate donation! Brian Shaver accepts the $800.00 donation from Mike Barclay of Collins Barrow on behalf of the Splashpad!

L to R:  Brian Shaver, Mike Barclay

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's only getting brighter!

Thanks to the Morrisburg Lions Club for their donation! The Glow Golf Tourney raised $1435.00 for the splashpad! Rosemary Laurin accepts the donation from Tracey Veinotte.

Thanks for swinging into action for the splashpad!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ladies Auxiliary donate generously

June 26! What a beautiful sunny day! It couldn't have been a better setting for Mike Domanko to meet with Rosie Treasurer of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary at Earl Baker Park! Rosie presented Mike with a generous donation from the Morrisburg Legion Ladies Auxiliary for the Splashpad! Big smiles all around!

Thank you so very much!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Casselman Family Contribution

"Our dad was an incredible supporter of all things recreational for children in general. Well known for his support and commitment to hockey and baseball...both for boys and girls. The Memorial Bursary was a means by which we felt as a family we could continue to honour his memory in the community. Undoubtedly, Dad would have loved the idea of the Splashpad and the smiles it will put on the faces of many children. On behalf of the our mother, Janice, and the entire Casselman family, we are truly honoured to be able to help such a worthwhile project."
- Krista Casselman

 We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the very generous Casselman family for their donation to the splashpad initiative. Matt McCooeye accepted the donation on behalf of the splashpad committee.

Pictured above from L to R - Kevin Casselman, Krista Casselman, Kim Bennett & Matt McCooeye

Monday, May 5, 2014

Campaign for SPLASHPAD launched today

The South Dundas Community Playground is pleased to announce that it has officially begun a campaign to build a SPLASHPAD in Earl Baker Park.

The group, which was created in 2011, piloted a community-driven campaign that recruited over 225 volunteers and raised over $114,000 in cash and in-kind donations.  The building of a  splashpad is considered as Phase II of that project. 

“When we started the playground project in 2011, many people asked us about a splashpad,” said South Dundas Community Playground chair Matt McCooeye.  “We couldn’t do it then, but we feel now is the right time.”


The idea of building a playground in 2011 was to create a place where children can gather and play with their friends, where parents can connect with each other, and where members of the community at large can watch their friends and family members grow.

“We feel the concept of the community playground has really taken shape here,” said McCooeye.  “The playground, the gardens, the park itself is used by so many members of this community on a daily basis.  It’s something we can all be proud it looks, how it was built, and what it stands for.”


A design for the splashpad is not yet complete, as the committee still has to consult an important group of people - the children of the community.

“It is important for us to engage all people in South Dundas, including the kids, “ McCooeye added.  “We want to get the kids’ input into what they want included.  We can’t wait to hear what they have to say.”

The kids will get their say as part of the ‘Dotmacracy’ when the committee visits area schools in June.  Once the children provide their input, a final design will be created.  


In the meantime, a fund development campaign will begin shortly.  The group believes it will cost $200,000 to build the splashpad.  However, through fundraising events held over the last three years, and the support of the Township of South Dundas, they have already secured roughly half - $100,000 - of the money required.  The committee intends to have the project completed by the end of 2014.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Group presentation to Council successful

The Playground committee presented to Council in February seeking the dollar for dollar matching grant for Phase II - the splashpad, of the playground project. Successful in their efforts, the group will be granted $25,000 towards the initiative! Council also committed an additional $25,000 in support of the project. To read all about it click here!

Get ready for another summer of fun and fundraising!